Displaying 1251 - 1260 of 3463.
Pope Shenouda is not only a man of religion, for Egyptians, but a wise and faithful patriotic Egyptian citizen who works on serving his country and people regardless of their religion. There are many incidents that prove how he shows love and care to both Muslims and Christians, and in return he...
Al-Fajr reports on a strike held recently by a group of Christians who were protesting the construction of a church.
An important international congress on the 13th century Andalusian sūfī philosopher Ibn ‘Arabi has just finished in the Egyptian capital. The author also brings the reader’s attention to two articles about the role of the Muslim Brotherhood and an interesting article about freedom of expression in...
The establishment of the European Union of Coptic Organizations for Human Rights held a conference on November 8, 2008 in Paris to focus on Copts issues and problems in Egypt and put it in the international limelight. The following lines introduce the conference and shed light on the different...
The author writes about the planned new church and social service center on land belonging to the Bishopric. The building was denied by authorities after a long delay and the land was usurped by a previous owner. The people of Mit-Namā still wait for approval to build their much needed church.
Reports about religious tensions in Egypt sometimes hit the headlines abroad first. On November 26 Hulsman went with a German journalist to Ain Shams to investigate claims of violent demonstrations between Christian and Muslim youth, in this editorial he explains the causes behind the incident and...
The article provides background information on the Abū Fānā Monastery crisis, stating that a settlement was reached when the Coptic Church agreed to give up some of the land for peace and a fencing wall to protect the remaining land. The article then relates how Minya officials have gone back on...
The article highlights the growing demands of setting up church councils as they have been delayed for a while because of Pope Shenouda’s III poor physical state.
Sanā’ al-Sa‘īd interviews Pope Shenouda.
Islamic scholars in the West and in the Islamic world have both researched early Islam, however they differ in the way they approach such texts. It would also help Muslim scholars in the Islamic world if they had access to the reports written in the West in European languages.


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