Displaying 1581 - 1590 of 3463.
The grand imam and sheikh of Azhar, Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, and Pope Shenouda asked the Palestinian factions and the Palestinian people to unite in order to regain their stolen rights and have a free independent state. This statements were made during a visit Pope Shenouda made to the Azhar to...
The Islamic Shari’a is the main source of legislation in Egypt. It states that Islamic laws should not be applied to the personal status cases of non-Muslims. The laws of their religions are to be applied to them. However, personal status law No. 462/1955 contains nine grounds for divorce in...
Sharīf al-Dawākhilī discusses Bishop Bīshūy, who in his opinion is a remarkable personality in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Despite the bishop’s increasing number of opponents, he is still seen as the enduring the strong man who has made a difference in theCoptic Orthodox Church.
Pope Shenouda’s health condition is improving, and news circulates among Copts about miracles conducted by him.
Pope Shenouda denied what al-Miṣrī al-Yawm published as his opinion regarding both the conversion of Muḥammad Ḥijāzī and the Coptic expatriates’ organization. Pope Shenouda declared his denial in a meeting in the United States with representatives of major Coptic and Christian organizations.
Pope Shenouda issued a document in which he called for innovation in the clerical discourse in the Coptic Orthodox Church. While the document could gain the appreciation of the Coptic Orthodox clergymen and a considerable number of activist laymen, another group of the laymen considers it both a...
The author discusses the phenomenon of Coptic demonstrations in Egypt, and highlights their increasing prevalence. He touches on rumors of demonstrations being organized from within the church itself.
Mr. Feije Duim of the Dutch organization Kerkinactie visits AWR. Continuing heated discussions on conversions in Egyptian media. AḤmad al-Si‘dāwī describes the recent phenomenon of Coptic demonstrations.
Islamic Sharī‘ah does not allow for both men and women to kill their partner when catching them red handed committing adultery, and called for the judiciary to rule on the matter.
The Administrative Court ruling which grants a license to remarry is unconstitutional for it violates Article 46 of the Constitution which guarantees the freedom of belief and it contravenes the Coptic Orthodox doctrine.


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