Displaying 3011 - 3020 of 3463.
The report notices "some recent positive developments in the promotion of religious freedom." The areas of church building and preparing new history textbooks for public school children are explicitly mentioned. However, the Commission finds that serious problems of discrimination against a number...
Dr. John Watson, a consultant to the Archbishop of Canterbury on Coptic affairs, said that there are very few people, in the West, who know a lot about Islam. People in the West usually say that al-Islambuli murdered Sadat and that sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman is Islam. Dr. Watson said he taught...
The State Council is looking into the case filed by Naguib Gibra’il Michael versus Pope Shenouda and the Minister of Interior. The case may result in cancellation of the results of the last Milli Council elections for legal violations.
The article touches upon the achievements of Pope Shenouda during his 30 years of being a Patriarch. He applied the church law which states that the Bishopric inherits bishops and not the Patriarchy. He also allowed promotion of fathers to bishops according to who deserves it without limiting it...
Five people from the Adventist denomination were seized for distributing religious pamphlets in poor neighborhoods. The pamphlets were issued by the newly established "Preservers of the commandments of God and faith of Jesus Christ Society." They contained ideas about the Adventists being the only...
On his tour of the USA, Pope Shenouda declared that emigrant Copts are Egyptians and their love of and fidelity to Egypt was something beyond question. He said that keeping the reputation of Egypt and its dignity was the responsibility of all its children.
Egypt’s General Consul in the USA gave a reception in the Egyptian Consulate to welcome Pope Shenouda. The Pope pointed out the warm welcome that President Mubarak’s visit to the USA was met with, on the part of emigrant Copts. He stressed that the Copts of Egypt are all right and that they are...
During his visit to the USA, Pope Shenouda consecrated three churches and laid the cornerstone of a fourth church. He also appointed some clergymen there.
Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi and Bishop Bissenti differ concerning Eve’s creation from Adam’s rib. The former rejected the idea, arguing that it would belittle women’s position and stressed that it was not mentioned in Islam. Bishop Bissenti said that this fact is assured in the three heavenly religions...
Bishop Bissenti of Al-Masara stressed that Egypt’s Islam and Christianity is something that belongs to Egyptians and that the US do not care about Muslims or Christians. He added that he did not care about abolishing the Hamayouni law. He just wanted churches and mosques to be treated in the same...


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