Date of source: الخميس, آذار (مارس) 1, 2012
Head of the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa Rev. Dr. Munīr Hannā Anīs revealed that he had sent a message to the academy enquiring about the views of Islamic sharī’ah regarding a Christian family’s custody of a Christian orphan and asked for a fatwá in...
Date of source: الجمعة, شباط (فبراير) 24, 2012
Counselor Tharwat Hammād, the judge assigned by the justice ministry to investigate the October 9, 2011 clashes outside the state radio & TV building in the area of Maspero, ordered the referral of 31 army soldiers in those incidents to the forensic officials to examine their injuries and see...
Date of source: الجمعة, شباط (فبراير) 24, 2012
Presidential hopeful Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-'Awwā said he expected support for him from the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafīs, liberals and Copts, adding during a rally in al-Badrashīn, Giza, that the military rule will not fall except through presidential elections. [Muhammad Gharīb and Ibtisām Ta'lab, ...
Date of source: الجمعة, شباط (فبراير) 24, 2012
Presidential hopeful Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-'Awwā said he expected support for him from the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafīs, liberals and Copts, adding during a rally in al-Badrashīn, Giza, that the military rule will not fall except through presidential elections. [Muhammad Gharīb and Ibtisām Ta'lab, ...
Date of source: الجمعة, شباط (فبراير) 24, 2012
"Rest assured because Jesus Christ will not come prior to the falling away. When this happens, Jesus will come," the pope said in reply to a question during his weekly sermon at the St. Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-'Abbāssīyah.
He said Jesus Christ is not going to come in Egypt these...
Date of source: الجمعة, كانون اﻷول (ديسمبر) 20, 2013
Leaders of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria have celebrated the 75th year of Mar Girgis’ Church in Ghayt al-‘Inab. The celebration was held in Alexandria Library (Amīrah Fathī, al-Wafd, Dec. 20, p. 14). Read original text in Arabic.
Date of source: الجمعة, آيار (مايو) 31, 2013
It seems that after President Mursi and his government have failed to resolve the crisis, there is no other solution than to include the Coptic Orthodox Church into the discussion. The connection between the Coptic Orthodox Church and Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church could be the last chance to...
Date of source: الجمعة, آذار (مارس) 29, 2013
A number of 73 Copts left Cairo to Jerusalem City to celebrate Easter at the Church of the Resurrection. Sources said that not only Coptic Catholics traveled but also Orthodox regardless the decision of the late Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III banning visiting Jerusalem during the Israeli...
Date of source: الأحد, آذار (مارس) 17, 2013
On Friday Mar. 15, the Coptic Orthodox Church celebrated the first commemoration of the late Pope Shenouda III under the heading “We Won’t Forget You”. Pope Tawadros led the celebration, which was attended by various bishops, priests, influential leaders and politicians (‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha'bān, al-...
Date of source: الأربعاء, كانون الثاني (يناير) 9, 2013
Spokesman of President Mursī, Dr. Yāsir ꞌAlī, yesterday commented on statements delivered by President Mursī on Egyptian Christians describing them as “minorities”. Accusing media of delivering false reports, ꞌAlī argued that media have taken President Mursī’s statements out of context and that the...