Displaying 1 - 10 of 29.
Bishop Bākhūm stated that President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī’s participation in Christmas celebrations has confirmed that he is the president for all Egyptians from all sects and religions. He also confirmed that that the Catholic, Anglican, Syrian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox denominations celebrate...
Copts United website (reports on Coptic issues) published an article entitled “No attack on Diocese of Sohag”.
This article gives an in-depth account of the events in Najc Hammādī on the Coptic Christmas Eve. It includes a number of first hand accounts of the shooting, as well as interviews from the victims’ families. It also follows the victims from the shooting, to the hospital in Najc Hammādī, to Sohag...
Digging work under a church went too deep into the building’s foundations resulting in the collapse of three buildings and the death of eight people.
The Egyptian press writes Muslims and Christians accused in the case of al-Kosheh village congratulated each other when they were released. The Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of Sohag stated that what happened last year has nothing to do with either Islām or Christianity. The Governor of Sohag...
The bishopric of Sohag led by Archbishop Bakhoum organized a celebration. The Sheikh of the Azhar attended the celebration. He said that the relationship of love and brotherhood between Egyptian Muslims and Christians was clear evidence that Egyptians have a strong bond. Archbishop Bakhoum pointed...
At the "Quddaas Al-Arbaien" held last Thursday in the Archangel Michael Church for the spirits of those who were killed in Al-Kosheh was presided over by Bishop Wissa of Al-Balyana and Dar Al-Salaam, General Bishop Yo’annes, the delegate of His Holiness the Pope, and the secretary of the pope. A...
After deciding to change the name of the village of Al-Kosheh in Sohag to the village of Al-Salaam [meaning, Peace] in accordance with the wishes of the local administration... the local administration units in a number of cities and villages in Upper Egypt are conducting a comprehensive research...


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