Displaying 131 - 140 of 296.
The article considers to what extent political Islam movements have influenced religious intolerance.
Dr. Maḥmūd Ḥamdī Zaqzūq argues that inter-religious dialogue will not be successful without first solving the issue of the possession of absolute truth, as dialogue cannot succeed if the participants do not accept and have a mutual respect for one another.
Jamāl As‘ad says that the several offensive statements against Islam produced by the Roman Catholic Church reveal the church’s plan to play a role in politics, taking sides with the West in the current Islam-West conflict.
The author discusses Pope Benedict XVI’s apology to natives of South America for the massacre they suffered at the hands of European missionaries. He questions why the pope apologizes for these acts, yet refuses to apologize for his insults against Islam, and wonders what “sword” Islam is being...
Muṣṭafá Bakrī, the author, regards attacks on Islam by some Western figures as a war against the religion, criticizing Arab officials for not adequately defending Islam. He therefore calls for a code of ethics to respect all religions.
Father Theodosius al-Siryānī rejects the Vatican document and cites Pope Shenouda’s argument refuting the Catholic belief that Peter was the head of the church.
Aḥmad al-Buḥayrī reports on the statements of Azhar scholars who criticized Pope Benedict XVI’s secretary who spoke about the Islamization of Europe.
al-Miṣrī al-Yawm cites an interview conducted by the German daily Suddeutsche Zeitung with Msgr. George Gaenswein, secretary of Pope Benedict XVI, who warned of what he called the danger that the spread of Islam poses in Europe, and defended the pope’s controversial remarks against Islam.
The Egyptian press continues to focus on the different reactions of Egyptian Christians to the controversial Vatican document that was recently issued. While representatives of the Catholic Church approve it, Protestant and Orthodox denominations attack it severely.
While Egyptian non-Catholic churches expressed their angry reactions to the Vatican document, Catholic figures, including the director of the Holy See’s Press Office, declared that the document was mainly to clarify Catholic doctrinal issues and was not intended to offend any church or denomination...


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