Displaying 1 - 10 of 21.
Last Saturday (February 3), the Freedom Committee of the General Syndicate of the Egyptian Writers Union held a conference under the title, ‘Palestine: The Essence of the Israeli-Arab Conflict,’ in the presence of gathering of politicians, Egyptian intellectuals, and Arabs. During this conference,...
A company was established with the responsibility of legitimizing the theft of Palestinian land — which was central to the colonial project — and inventing a narrative that the colonial countries, along with the most knowledgeable of the twentieth century, would approve for the sake of making this...
Over the last few decades, comparisons have continuously been drawn between Israel and its policies and the system of South African apartheid.
In 1943, commenting on an accusation made by a British court about Zionist leaders smuggling weapons to gangs in Palestine, David Ben-Gurion said, “From now on, to be anti-Zionist means that you are anti-Semitic.” This was an early attempt to displace the concept of ‘anti-Semitism’ that was...
One of the most essential elements of the Zionist project revolves around a clear and accurate definition of the Jewish identity.  This definition has been quite hard to pin down due to two main factors.  The first is the relationship between the Jewish diaspora, the Jewish community living outside...
This article discusses the appropriateness of Egyptian knowledge concerning Israeli arts and culture. It is argued that it is important for Egypt to be a part of the global culture, and so have a vast understanding of the world around them. This includes Israel, although many in Egypt consider...
A defrocked monk distorted a letter in the name of Late Pope Kyrillos VI, addressed to Ben Gurion, the Israeli prime minister at the time. It was proved that the fake monk was seeking revenge against the church authorities that rejected him from a monastic life.
This article is the first in a series on the relation between the Coptic Orthodox Church, represented by the pope, and the Egyptian government, represented by the president. The following lines highlight the firm friendship between Pope Kyrillos VI and former Egyptian President Jamāl ‘Abd al-Nāsir...
Israel is not a religious state; but an occupying state. Arabic resistance is not against the Jews but against the Israeli occupation.
The author links Israeli practices and the massacres in Lebanon and other Arab countries to texts of the Torah and urges Arabs to take a strong diplomatic stance and protest the killings and havoc in a neighboring Arab country.


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