Displaying 91 - 100 of 187.
The Middle East Media Research Institute produced a report about responses in the Egyptian media to the attacks in the USA giving the impression that the Egyptian government, opposition, and independent press all celebrated the terrorist attacks on the USA. The RNSAW commented on MEMRI’s report and...
In China, Russia, Turkey and many of the countries of Middle Asia, Muslims are persecuted and killed in the name of fighting terrorism. The author observed that the danger that originated because of not giving terrorism the right definition opened the door to another threat, that is the threat of...
The author expressed his surprise at the fact that while Arabs and Muslims condemn the West’s tendency to accuse all Muslims and Arabs of being criminals once an Arab and or a Muslim commits a crime, they behaved as if they had been accused and hurried to apologize for something they had not done.
The article deals with the differences between the way Islam is practiced in the Arabic countries and the way it is practiced in the Islamic Asian countries. It points out the dangers of Asiatic Islam. The author believes that Arabic Islam should reform Asiatic Islam, so that it does not turn into...
The conference held in Denmark over the offensive Danish cartoons called for by the young controversial dā‘iya cAmr Khālid has created different reactions in the West and the Islamic world.
Fahmī Huwaydī’ wrote an excellent comment on the recent Muslim-Christian tensions in Alexandria. Comment on discussions about conversions from Islam to Christianity.  Aḥmad Abū al-Majd believes citizenship and democracy are ‘empty slogans’ in Egypt.
The writer reports the harsh argument between Fahmi Howeidi, Islamic intellectual, and Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim on a TV program. Howeidi rejects the position of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, who supports American-style democracy.
The author complains that during the month of Ramadan a couple of issues were met with complete silence from Egyptian media. Some of these issues that he comments on in his article are: the decision of the American Congress to allocate $2 million cut from American aid to Egypt to the Ibn Khaldoun...
Members of the Journalists´ Syndicate and intellectuals severely attacked U.S. attempts to penetrate the Arab media in general, and the Egyptian media in particular. They also censured the government for approving the publishing of newspapers that propagate American ideas, while it bans the...
Al-Ahram Al-Arabi devoted a special file of eight articles to the Azhar, as the biggest religious institution in the Islamic world. The file is a comparison between the status of the Azhar in the past and today. In the past, the Azhar played a great role in many fields, religious and national....


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