Displaying 91 - 100 of 157.
Drs. Hulsman comments on a frequently referenced Qur’ānic verse that comments on compulsion in religion, and the misinterpretation that frequently accompanies the verse.
On 29 October 2008, Bishop Serapion gave a lecture on ’Christian Unity from an Orthodox Perspective’ at Claremont School of Theology in Claremont, California.
In his monthly round-up of the Egyptian press this month, Robert al-Faris mentions that Watanī was the only paper to mention a two-month course that Tanta university is running in Coptic studies. He also lamented a comment made by Abu Treika, one of the country’s favorite football players, about...
The newspaper describes the life of Pope Shenouda, some of his famous remarks, one of his poems, and the reasons that he could not attend his anniversary of ordination celebrations.
The author discusses the land dispute over 13 feddans outside of the Holy Virgin Monastery in Assiut. He complains that the authorities have failed to implement all the rulings in favor of the monastery.
There is a common belief in the West that Christians in Muslim countries are discriminated against, or sometimes even persecuted. While discrimination does exist, the situation is usually far more complex, argues Hulsman in this editorial. He also points out that while the Egyptian legal system...
The article discusses the al-Butrusiya Church in Cairo, a church steeped in history and notorious for the traditional ceremonies held there.
The following article discusses the idea of presenting Jesus Christ on a satellite program as depicted in the Qur’ān.
On the second day of the interfaith dialogue conference which is being held under the auspices of the Episcopal Church, participants have claimed that the roots causes of sectarianism in Egypt need to be tackled.
The article discusses books which criticize both Islam and Christianity within the context of sectarian sedition in Egypt.


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