Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Translation but not mentioned if summarized or not. Could it be a summarized translation? Answer yes or no   
Media critique on the Palestinian issue in the Egyptian Press. Meeting with Bible Society director Ramez Atallah about the way the Bible has been translated into Arabic.
Ali Laban, a member of the parliament belonging to the Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, submitted a question to the Prime Minister and the Ministers of Education and Interior in which he wondered about the government's attitude towards the declaration given by Dr. Farouq Al-Hetami, vice-chairman of...
Last May [1998], students in an American University in Cairo (AUC) course on Muslim politics complained about Maxime Rodinson’s biography "Muhammad". In less than 24 hours after a columnist decried its teaching as blasphemous, Ministry of Higher Education Minister Mufeed Shehab ordered the...
The December 17 summons of Professor Samia Mehrez by the American University in Cairo (AUC) administration to explain her choice of a book containing "obscene" passages has mushroomed into something far bigger than anyone originally involved expected. This issue follows the controversy over Maxine...
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