Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
Most of the time we are making mountains out of molehills and that is how the Arab mass media are depicting the Jewish Americans as if they were the ones who choose the White House inhabitant.
American Muslims are about to make their decision regarding the candidate they will vote for in the coming presidential election in November. The stances of the candidates for presidency towards the issue of the Middle East [the Palestinian-Israeli conflict] remains the principal motive that makes...
Baptist pastor Dr. Jeff Adams agrees with Dr. Larry Levine, an Orthodox Jew, that some statements of evangelical Christian leaders supporting Israel are reasons for concern. But Dr. Adams asks to avoid putting all Christian evangelicals and/or fundamentalists in the same box, especially in the...
Alistair Crook succeeded in holding unprecedented meeting in Beirut on March 21-22 where American personalities close to decision-making circles in U.S and leaders or representatives of some Islamic movements in the area attended the event. The conference was just an occasion for a real and direct...
Since Bush junior has been in power, the American political dictionary has been full of vocabulary and expressions inspired by religious texts. Some attribute some of this vocabulary and these expressions to the Christian Zionist thought and others attribute them to Bush’s strong religiosity.


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