Displaying 161 - 170 of 200.
Rumors say that Pope Shenouda cancelled the celebration of his joining the monastic order because of the sad times the Church is living through due to Al-Nabaa crisis. Others believe that he did so as an attempt to get a stronger verdict against Al-Nabaa’s Editor-in-Chief. The correct explanation...
In 1960, the Mossad recruited an expelled monk to damage the relationship between the Coptic Church and the then president of Egypt. When the matter was became known, it shook all religious and political circles. However, it did no harm to the Egyptian Church.
The author expressed the opinion that the cancellation of the pope’s weekly meeting was accompanied by fear of a return to the denominational atmosphere of the September 1981 events. The fact that the Coptic youth didn’t protest about Al-Nabaa to the People’s Assembly or the Supreme Press Council...
The writer believes that the demonstrations by thousands of Coptic youths in the Patriarchate, protesting about what Al-Nabaa published, should not be considered only in the light of Al-Nabaa disaster. He compared between the problem the "Banquet for Seaweed" caused and that caused by the story of...
A challenge was filed against the Minister of Interior and against the Head of the Maglis El-Milli. The challenges regarded the elections of the Maglis El-Milli having serious legal contraventions that would lead to the invalidity of the election results.
Kamal Zakher Musa said that Pope Shenouda’s lecture, to a group of , was disjointed and lacked brightness and passion. He said he did not understand the need for lectures and thought the written word was more powerful. A student gave him two tapes of an earlier lecture one of which had incomplete...
Pope Shenouda doesn’t forgive easily those who wrong him, although he often speaks about forgiveness. He didn’t allow anyone to pray over Ibrahim Abdel-Said his aggressive opponent after his death. He refused to forgive Father Aghathon, the monk of Misr Al-Kadima, with whom he had a conflict seven...
In this article the author gives his own point of view about Christian fanaticism in Egypt. In the first half of the twentieth century, such fanaticism was reflected in two streams; a religious movement aiming to reform the church and another purely political one. In the second half of the...
The Mill is a place where Pope Kyrillos lived for some time. Though he stayed there to enjoy living with God, many people visited him to pray and be blessed. So the place has really become important for Christians.
The priest of the Hanging Church said that the State gives no allocation to the Church, which is only funded by the donations of its children. He denied that emigrant Copts send lots of money to the Egyptian Church. The pastor of the Church of Ain Shams said that the financial affairs of the Church...


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