Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Māhir Ḥasan interviews three journalists who presented their opinions on the future of journalism in Egypt; Fārīdah al-Naqqāsh, editor-in chief of al-Ahālī, Muh...
Shock shrouded political circles in Egypt after Abd al-Halim Qandil, the Executive Editor-in-Chief of al-Arabi newspaper, the mouthpiece of the opposition Nasserite Party, was kidnapped, beaten and left stark naked on the Cairo-Suez desert highway on the dawn of November 2, 2004. Hundreds of public...
The article is an interview with the governor of Minya. He explains how the riots started in Beni Walmis village. He elaborated on the good relationships between Muslims and Christians in the village.
Māhir Hassan claims that Khālid al-Jindī, the well-known dā‘iya, is making huge sums of money from the private fatwa business.
‘Amr Khālid has had a remarkable march to fame as a dā‘iya.
A book written by Gamal Al-Banna, the brother of Hassan Al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was banned. The book is titled Mas’ouleyit fashal al-dawla al-Islamiya fil asr Al-hadith [The responsibility for the failure of the Islamic State in the modern era]. The book discusses the issue...
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