Displaying 51 - 60 of 201.
Arab media primarily placed the war in Iraq in the framework of the religious dimension. Religion is present in the background of almost all articles. Reactions of religious institutions and figures and the impact of religion on the characters of both Bush and Saddam Hussein are the focus of...
The proposed constitutional amendments stress the importance of citizenship. The amendments cannot be achieved all at once, as there must be a cultural and social basis on which the amendments can be established. A secular state will fulfill the demands of most Egyptians, and Copts look forward to...
Max Michel stresses the legitimacy of his church, and the Coptic Orthodox Church stresses its rejection. Pope Shenouda is ready to meet Max Michel when the latter expresses his regression and removes his patriarchal garments and title.
Some intellectuals comment on Christians’ political activities.
More than 85 Egyptian Christians have rejected what Revd. Jerry Falwell said about the Prophet Muhammad being a terrorist. Three members of the Egyptian parliament have asked the prime minister to issue a decree to the effect of not allowing the enemies of Islām and those who disgrace Prophet...
Drs. Hulsman provides a detailed description of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt, and a history of Coptic problems, stemming from their own actions and outside influences.
The Egyptian press paid special attention to the situation Muslims in America and Europe are now facing as a result of the attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, which were claimed to be executed by Arab Muslim extremists. Although Muslims in America condemned the attacks, they...
Swift intensive efforts were made this week to contain a Muslim-Christian crisis due to a blasphemous article, by a Muslim writer, about a former monk. Thousands of angry youths protested against the article, the Government was accused of being in collusion with the paper, Pope Shenouda...
Majdī Khalīl discusses the forced disappearance of Coptic girls. The claims around this phenomenon are not new, however it is being announced more frequently. Khalīl discusses the reasons why Coptic families are more often daring to announce the disappearance of their girls, and the reasons behind...
There has been peaceful coexistence between religions in Egypt for a long time.


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