Displaying 131 - 140 of 188.
The board of the Journalists’ Syndicate, headed by Galal Aref, decided to officially address the Higher Council of Press regarding the complaint. The decision was made in spite of objections raised by board members belonging to the Islamic trend. Newspapers inside and outside Egypt such as Rose...
There are dozens of Internet sites that propagate rumors made up by enemies of the nation, starting with Al-Qa’ida members and ending with the Coptic émigrés. Al-Maqrizi Center’s web site has recently spread a rumor about the President Mubarak’s health. That rumor was easily contained, but many...
Arab-West Report presented the draft text of the findings of its staff to Compass Direct. Compass Direct responded on November 21 with “We consider your condemnation as both unwarranted and unjustified. We stand by the story.” Compass Direct refused to provide further explanations. This made the...
Journalists are now among those who are most frequently called up to the judge’s chambers. In the past two months, 28 complaints have been filed against journalists in addition to 400 other complaints that are under investigation.
The Administrative Court overturned a complaint filed by two Orthodox Copts against Pope Shenouda in which they demanded the suspension of the presidential decree that formed the temporary Maglis al-Milli al-Amm [General Community Council] of Orthodox Copts.
Sawt Al-Umma published a false statement that was attributed to engineer Michael Mounir, president of the U.S. Copts Association, saying that the association asked the U.S. to occupy Egypt militarily. The newspaper has published a provocative reportage titled “Coptic émigrés are asking for the...
The Bible says “no divorce except for marital unfaithfulness.” Pope Shenouda insists on applying the Biblical text literally thinking, that he should obey God, not the people.
The death of six Christians from Al-Qussia, including a priest, in a bus accident . The Coptic Orthodox Church in Sawada destroying the church of Saint Dimyana for the sake of building a new church but meanwhile the altarscreen and other artifacts of the old church were lost. The removal of the...
Could the current US-led coalition war against Afghanistan result in tensions between Egypt’s two major religions? In Lebanon the split between Christians and Muslims has widened as each has taken the opposite side. Egypt, however, has experienced nothing of this kind.
Mamdouh Nakhla, the head of the Word Center for Human Rights, issued a statement in which he welcomed the new American Ambassador to Cairo and urged him to pay more attention to human rights issues.


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