Displaying 21 - 30 of 145.
The first time there was chatter about the establishment of a Coptic state was during the time of late President Anwar al-Sadāt, when the idea of setting up the so-called State of Assiut had first emerged.
All Egyptians, Muslims or Christians, were shocked by Maurice Sādiq's recent declaration "of a separate Coptic state in southern Egypt" and even his selection of Coptic activist 'Ismat Zaqlamah as its president. Sādiq, Chairman of the National American Coptic Assembly (NACA), who has recently been...
*/ Maurice Sādiq's comments about creating a Coptic state within Egypt have been called "ridiculous" by members of the Egyptian Coptic church in a meeting in New York. Bishop Mūsá, Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Youth Affairs, remarked that he could not, in any way, accept a religious division of...
*/ An official source at the Coptic Orthodox papacy has rejected Maurice Sādiq's statements, which have provoked all Egyptian citizens, both Muslims and Copts.
The Free Egyptians Party expressed outright rejection of a so-called Coptic state declaration by members of the National American Coptic Assembly (NACA), led by Coptic lawyer Maurice Sādiq, who was recently stripped of his Egyptian nationality. "The declaration is "political nonsense" considering...
Some Egyptian Christian emigrants have always been parroting during the former regime's time that they could not come to Egypt to convene meetings and forums for dialogue over the Christian citizens' cares and problems as well as discrimination and challenges facing equality in Egypt.
Egypt is divided into two camps: the first one is headed by Shaykh Wajdī Ghunaym, who aspires to have Egypt as the capital of the so-called United Islamic States, while the second one, led by Maurice Sādiq, calls on the international community to invade Egypt to rescue the Copts.
Reverend Terry Jones' call for an open sit-in in Washington, United States, confused a lot of Coptic Human Rights activists. A large number of moderate Coptic opinions believe that a sit-in is legitimate but cannot extend to calling for international protection of Copts in Egypt.  
Maurice Sādiq assured that he plans to return to Cairo within a few days, and that no one can prevent him from visiting his country. He noted that he will challenge the case and will turn to the Hague-based International Court of Justice if the verdict was not suspended.  
All Egyptians requested that Maurice Sādiq be stripped of his Egyptian citizenship. This man, as Shihātah Salāmah puts it, has a Zionist orientation, American loyalty, and extreme hatred for Egypt. Sādiq described Sharon and Netanyahu as heroes who freed their country. Furthermore, he greeted...


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