Displaying 21 - 30 of 128.
Majdī Khalīl reviews the proposed platform of the Muslim Brotherhood in order to refute their claims that they support democracy and citizenship.
The following article presents a response to Majdī Khalīl’s article [art. 26 in this issue].
Majdī Khalīl believes that the Islamic Fiqh apparently denounces rights of citizenship as it is based on an idea that Islam is the homeland, so that inhabitants are either Muslims or Dhimmīs.
The author comments on the platform of the Muslim Brotherhood, believing that it eliminates the basis of the civil state in order to promote a religious state instead.
Rev. Rif‘at Fikrī comments on the Middle East Forum on Liberties held last November.
Sharqāwī accuses Majdī Khalīl of sowing sedition in Egypt and claims that he is prone to exaggeration when discussing Copts’ problems in Egypt.
Majdī Khalīl launched his new Middle East Freedoms Forum. The author discusses the opening conference without hiding her criticism and discontentment.
Hānī Ahmad Rizq reports on the discussions that took place in the introductory conference of the Middle East Forum on Freedoms, which witnessed a lot of controversy and clashes between participants.
The Ottoman Turkish genocide against the Armenian people is documented, proved and awaiting widespread international condemnation. The following lines present a background to the international reactions of the incident.
The following lines discuss the ongoing reactions to the Chicago conference held by the Coptic Assembly of America. While some observers accuse the delegates of trying to achieve American goals in Egypt, others call for opening the channels of dialogue.


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