Displaying 41 - 50 of 128.
Salmá Anwar presents an overview of her internship from January 15 to July 31, 2007.
President of U.S. Copts Association [USCA] Michael Munīr will visit Cairo to continue his suspicious discussions about the persecution of Copts in Egypt.
Majdī Khalīl, the author, comments on the response of the Ministry of Labor and Immigration to the International Labor Organization’s [ILO] report which claimed that Copts are discriminated against in Egypt.
The article believes the claim of Michel ‘Aflaq’s family regarding his embracing of Islam before his death to be a rumor.
The article states that the current Egyptian regime is greatly violating the citizenship of Copts, and the Copts should struggle to ensure their genuine right of citizenship as it is known in modern societies. The author believes that the solution lies in the struggle with the real Egyptian...
Dr. Cornelis Hulsman is nominated by Bishop Morcos for the World Alliance of Christian Communication’s peace award. Articles continue on the recent ILO report which claimed that Copts are discriminated against in Egypt.
The following lines show the result of a poll carried out in the U.K concerning the situation of Muslims there and their opinions on the British stances regarding Islamic issues like the niqāb.
Khalīl tackles Christians’ conversion to Islam. He rejects Dr. ‘Imārah’s argument about the considerable numbers of Christians’ conversion to Islam. Khalīl suggests establishing church committees to deal with the reasons and consequences behind these conversions.
The following lines highlight the historic background of religious and civil states in Egypt. Muṣṭafá Kāmil was the advocate of an Islamic state a century ago. He was defeated by a national group that advocates a civil state. The same struggle appears to be repeating nowadays with discussions over...
The article discusses the second article of the Constitution and the relation between religion and the state.


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