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The article reports on the decisions of Dr. Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, shaykh of the Azhar, to permit women to work as ma’dhūns, and to allow female students to travel abroad without mahrams.
This year’s student union elections in Egyptian universities were marred by violence and clashes between students affiliated with the "outlawed" Muslim Brotherhood and security forces. Muhammad Nūr from Ākhir Sā‘ah said that the group’s students violated university regulations governing...
The authors write about the demonstrations held by Muslim Brotherhood students in relation to student union elections at ‘Aīn Shams, Hilwān, and Assiut universities.
The niqāb is stirring controversy in different parts of the World. An Egyptian university professor is to be sued for criticizing it; the Egyptian muftī advises that women don’t wear it and students wearing it will be barred from accessing a university hostel. In Western countries it is regarded as...
This article sheds light on human rights violations in Egypt including the torture of civilians at the hands of policemen and security officials. The latest incident at al-Za‘farana ambush opened a pandora’s box and revealed atrocities being practiced in Egypt.
Journalists call for President Husnī Mubārak to fulfill his promise to abolish imprisonment in publishing related cases, but they continue attacking each other in the newspapers.
This press review is dealing with the issue of rumors, and how far they can have a negative impact on the society, the economy and national security.
Islamist writer Fahmy Howaidy sees many areas where Muslims are weak and suffering from bloodshed. Howeidy therefore dreams of forming a unified stand by Islamic countries.
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