Displaying 61 - 70 of 1680.
A new controversy has started among Copts pertaining to the call of Nūr Party to Copts to nominate themselves on the lists of the party. While those who agreed with the call of the Nūr Party stated that allying with them is better than allying with the Mubārak regime members, those who rejected the...
The decision of the Minister of Endowments,  demanding that all who want to perform i’tikāf (withdrawal in a mosque during the holy month of Ramadan) need to register their name a week before their tentative i’tikāf dates, has led to much controversy among Islamists. 
One year ago, Egypt witnessed an unprecedented terror attack on her territory, urging, hence, to implement new mechanism in its war on terror, radical thought, deterring actions against extremism, leaving behind inherited tradition, and raising awareness. The victims of al-Rawḍa Mosque, who were...
In celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muḥammad organized by the Ministry of Endowments [Awqāf] last Monday, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib delivered a speech that clearly manifested that the war launched against the Quranists has not ended yet. Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib attacked the...
Rāmī Jān, the founder of Christians against the Coup, stated that the referendum has revealed the increase of the popular anger against authority. He added that the remnants of the Mubārak regime as well as Christians are those who take part in the referendum.  Jān further stated that the 25th of...
Writing in 1999 for al-Usbūʿ newspaper, Hānī Zayyāt and Muṣṭafā Sulaymān expressed the
“This Saturday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will do something that no U.S. Secretary of State has ever done: meet with a democratically elected president of Egypt. The meeting should be about more than symbolism. Egyptian women were at the forefront of their revolution, but the systemic...
The Orthodox and Evangelical churches denied backing any presidential candidate in the runoff round in which the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Mursī is competing with Husnī Mubārak’s last prime minister Ahmad Shafīq, scheduled to be held on June 16-17. [‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd, May 28, p. 3...


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