Displaying 1 - 10 of 29.
In a series about Qur’an and Bible exegesis Dr. Johanna Pink of the University of Freiburg, Germany, speaks in an interview on YouTube about Qur’an tafsir [tafsīr] or exegesis. Johanna Pink was one of the first students to use the Arab-West Report database for her PhD dissertation at the University...
Background: Father Christiaan van Nispen tot Sevenaer (15.3.1938 – 12.5.2016) was a Jesuit priest and had been in Egypt since 1962. Van Nispen had a PhD in Islam which he received in Serbonne, Paris. Besides his PhD, he also studied Philosphy and Islam and had been active in the formation within...
Interviewers: Quinta Smit, Eline Kasanwidjojo, Aidan Mascarenhas-Keyes Language of interview: English (original intverview), English (presented transcript) Transcript: Quinta Smit Approval: Requested and no objection received   Dr. Nadia Muṣṭafā works at the Institute of Progressive Civil Studies...
Father van Nispen is a Jesuit priest, who is strongly involved in relationships with Islam. In the beginning of his priesthood he chose 'The service of reconciliation' to be his motto. In an interview with Egyptian Al-Ahram Weekly on December 31, 1998, he clarified: "My interpretation of the term...
This book was first published in 2012 by CIDT in Arabic. It was later translated into English, expanded with texts of Nushin Atmaca and Patricia Prentice and edited by Cornelis Hulsman with help of Jenna Ferrecchia and Douglas May.
Arab-West Report, April 1, 2011 Title: Interview with Ibrāhīm al-Huḍaybī (former member of the Muslim Brotherhood and political activist) about the current situation in Egypt Authors: Drs. Cornelis Hulsman, Arndt Emmerich and Judit Kuschnitzki Introduction of Ibrāhīm  al-Huḍaybī: I am Ibrāhīm al-...
This article reviews a book concerning the Egyptian national identity in recent history, especially focusing on the impact of religion.
Following in the footsteps of previous publication "Mohamed Peace be Upon Him, the Greatest of the Great in the World," a book disdaining Christianity named "Al-Wahy Al-Mohamadi" was published using Muslim and Christian taxpayers' money. The book sells at the subsidized price of 4 EGP. Many people...
This article by Watani gives a brief overview of the new book by Talaat Radwan entitled "Egyptian Culture and Religious Fundamentalism before and after July 1952."


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