Displaying 1 - 10 of 46.
Dr. Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Bayyūmī, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, convened a meeting to outline the council’s participation in the 56th session of the Cairo International Book Fair (CIBF) 2025, scheduled to run from January 24 to February 5.
During the last Friday of the Hegira calendar month of Shawwāl, the Ṣūfī Orders are celebrating the mūlid (birth anniversary) of the founder of the Shādhilī Order, Abū al-Ḥasan al-Shādhilī.
A former advisor of the Grand Imām of al-Azhar said that Islamic Ṣūfīsm protects young people from the “hazard of extremism,” adding that people have to be aware of the sound form of Ṣūfīsm, or Islamic mysticism.
Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church thanked President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī for his congratulations to the Egyptian people on the occasion of the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramaḍān and the Great Lent.
Pope Tawāḍrūs II said that it is not correct to use old ways of thinking when it comes to solving current issues. Although they may have worked out well in the past, they are inapplicable in the present and since each era has its own needs and visions, it is therefore important for the individual...
Bishop Ermia, the president of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center, has spoken about the late Pope Kyrillos VI during an interview with al-Waṭan newspaper. He described Pope Kyrillos VI as a devout man of prayer who was chosen by the heavens and who displayed a great love for the Church and its...
Politicians, intellectuals and clergy have emphasized that Egyptian society is characterized by pluralism, diversity and citizenship. On 19 December, during the conference "Towards a Citizenship that Supports Cultural Diversity" organized by the Forum for Intercultural Dialogue that is part of the...
Researchers concluded their work yesterday evening (Nov. 24) at the conference “Coexistence, Tolerance, and Acceptance of the Other: Towards a Better Future,” which was organized by the Center for Coptic Studies at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina under the auspices of Al-Azhar in cooperation with the...
Canon Law expert Dr. Bassām Shaḥātīt of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Jordan discusses the complex historical developments of personal and family status laws in the Middle East, especially in relation to the current challenges facing Christians in the region.
Dr. Shawkī ʿAllām , Grand Mufti of Egypt, received a high-level delegation from the Anglican Episcopal Church, headed by Archbishop Sāmī Fawzī –– to congratulate Muslims for the blessed Eid al-Adha [ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā].


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