Displaying 32621 - 32630 of 33698.
The head of the City Council was elected. They have chosen the counselor, Hanna Nashed, as the new head of the City Council. This choice shows that there is no persecution of the Copts in Egypt. There is real unity between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
There is no need for confirming that the security of Egypt means the prosperity and safety of all the Egyptians. It is also not necessary to pay more attention to the claims of the persecution of the Copts in Egypt because they have become hollow words without any proof. Since the beginning of the...
The writer says that the matter of "the unity of the [Egyptian] nation" should be given top priority because ’"...every city or house divided against itself will not stand"’, and Allah commands that if one judges between mankind the judgment must be just. He suggest two solutions to solving this [...
At the beginning of the meeting Dr. Abu Al-Magd said that Ibn Khaldoun Center is very active in the social work. Like anybody else he has heard about the recent rumors, but he does not do anything about them. He knows quite well that Dr. Ibrahim is a very careful person who will not allow anybody...
The author of this article says that there are two reasons for the "stinking smell" of the Ibn Khaldoun Center project of rewriting certain syllabuses for schools. These are: first, the life of the people responsible for this project. Second the ideas of the project itself.
After what has been published about the extremist trend in Dar Al-Uloum, we were shocked by the reactions of the professors. First, some of the officials have moved to rescue this faculty from destruction. But what is amazing is that the professors compiled a list, which they signed, in which they...
[This article appeared in Al-Ahram, June 16, 1999] The Egyptian press has for years revealed the corruption taking place in universities and criticized officials for not taking a positive action towards this dangerous phenomenon. The corruption is not limited to students but has spread to include...
The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar has issued a decision to transfer all the administrative employees of the Fatwa committee in Al-Azhar to other works. He also ordered the reformation of the Fatwa committee according to the article 1150 issued in 1997. He also decided to hire Sheikh Tosoun Ibrahim...
The author of this article contends that the public discussion of Islamic issues in newspapers leads to confusion in the minds of the public, leads to splits in the Islamic world, and serves the enemies of Islam. When there is an issue raised such as the intercession or the denial of the Sunna, it...
The author of this article charges that Sobhi Mansour has been denying the ’hadith qudsiyya’ without proof, and lied about the opinions of scholars in certain issues.


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