Displaying 101 - 110 of 1264.
I’ve been in Egypt for about six weeks, but I mostly stayed in Cairo and Maadi. The capital city is incredibly vast lively and diverse, but I didn’t fall in love with the country. Too dusty, maybe. Harassment probably did not help as well. I have been in countries where being a young white foreign...
Editor AWR: The Center for Arab-West Understanding had invited Prof. Dr. Ḥassan M. Wajīh Ḥassan to provide a response to a lecture of H.E. Lord George Carey on July 13, 2018. Dr. Wajīh suffered of pain in his spine and was unable to come and for that reason wrote a “response” to a lecture that he...
I understand that there is sensitivity regarding travel to the Western Desert and when you look at the map, the case against travelling or living there seems obvious: Sīwah [Siwa] oasis is a long way from the Nile Valley and not so far from Libya. On the ground, the situation is very different.
Editor Arab-West Report: German nationals Maher Wilson and Susanne Walter have lived between 1995 and 2014 in Sīwah. Their son Mario was born here in 2000, and Lucien was born here in 2003. This was the ideal place for Maher to work on larger translation projects. Susanne was in these years fully...
Editor AWR: It is unbelievable how many misunderstandings exist about safety in Sīwah [Siwa]. This is probably because of the proximity of Sīwah to the Egyptian-Libyan borders; however fears about safety in Sīwah are not justified. It was therefore good to hear the experiences of the Norwegian...
[AWR: Comfort Dickson interviewed a Tunisian female humanitarian and wrote here about how she experienced this interview]
Interview Script (Documentation) Interviewer (s): Drs. Cornelis Hulsman and Ms Comfort Dickson Interviewee: Tunisian humanitarian activist Interview setting: A private residence in Maadi, Cairo. The interview was conducted between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Tuesday morning July 17, 2018. The interview...
In July 2018 I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to spend three weeks in the Upper Egyptian village of Sarāqna. Located around 350 kilometres south of Cairo in the Asyūṭ Governorate, Sarāqna is primarily notable for being a Christian-majority village – approximately 90% of its 10,000...
On August 13, 2018, a group of interns from CAWU went on a day trip to Maghāgha, Dayr al-Garnūs, and Banī Mazār, with the aim of becoming acquainted with Coptic culture and daily life in the area. Although the trip took on a somewhat improvised nature (our original plan of visiting the village of...
I completed an internship with the Center for Arab-West Understanding between July 16 and August 2, 2018, and during this time, I focused my attention on the position of women in Egypt. Drs Cornelis Hulsman asked me to look into the work of Dr. Nawal El Saadawi [Nawāl al-Saʿdāwī] who, in my opinion...


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