Displaying 241 - 250 of 1264.
With presidential elections out of the way, a new parliament coming, and a measure of stability restored to the country, Egypt may now embark on the long awaited and necessary process of transitional justice. So believes ‘Adil Mājid, vice-president of the Egyptian Court of Cassation and an honorary...
Why did most Copts vote for presidential candidate ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī? Why did they previously seemingly entirely take the side of the army in opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood?  What do they fear that makes them seek closeness to the army to the extent that this provokes anger from...
By appearances, the Coptic Orthodox Church is doing everything wrong. But appearances can be deceiving; officially, they are doing everything right. But there is a messy in-between which casts doubt on it all. As convoluted as Egypt’s post-June 30 transition has been following the popular deposing...
On May 20, 2014, the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) organized a forum meeting under the title: Investigative Journalism in Egypt: Experiences and Challenges. Key speaker of the evening, Danish award winning journalist Mr. Flemming Weiss Andersen, spoke about his experiences in reporting...
No one in the streets of Egypt has any doubts that former field marshal Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi will come out victorious from the May 26-27 presidential elections. The question, however, is what percentage of the electorate will go to the polls and by what margin will al-Sisi secure his victory and...
Visitors to the Monastery of St. Dimyana for the festival of St. Dimyana receive a first-hand look into the dynamics of a popular religious celebration and the lives of the nuns of the monastery.
No one in the streets of Egypt has any doubt about former Field Marshall Abdelfattah al-Sisi to win the presidential elections on May 26 and 27. The question, however, is what percentage of the electorate will go to the polls. The total number of votes al-Sisi will be able to obtain is also of...
[First published on May 17, 2014 on the website of the Institute of Middle East Studies (IMES) in Lebanon. Republished with the permission of the author and IMES in Arab-West Report]
Arab-West Report has had infrequent contact throughout the years with scholars of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) in Beirut, who founded the Institute of Middle East Studies. Arab-West Report obtained permission to republish Arthur Brown’s “Speaking Out: Muslim Leaders Respond to the...
On Monday April 28th, the Minya Criminal Court sentenced 683 people to death in a controversial ruling, , including Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Muhammad Badī’, and former speaker of the Peoples Assembly, Saad al-Katātnī, for charges including inciting violence, murdering a police officer, and...


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