Displaying 591 - 600 of 1264.
It finally happened !! Mubarak has stepped down and cleared the way for the necessary change in the country. Nothing can parallel the emotional roller coaster ride Egypt has gone through these past weeks, but in a way events parall the fall of the Berlin Wall 1989. Watching from the distance like...
President [Muhammad Ḥusnī] Mubārak is still clinging to his seat and to the dignity that goes with it. Many have been trying to convince us that chaos will ensue if he steps aside now. Up until then I was a proponent of the peaceful transition of power, that he need not step down, and could remain...
According to the Pew Research Center, US media attention for the Egyptian protests has exceeded every foreign policy story over the last four years, commanding 56% of all news coverage. While initially surprising, upon reflection this story hits at the conjunction of many popular flashpoints:...
Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman: Dr. Michael Burslem (78) is a retired Canadian medical doctor and is a longtime friend of mine. He and his wife usually spend the winter months in Cairo when weather is substantially more pleasant in Egypt then in Canada and they spend the summers in Canada when...
I was invited a few days ago to Egyptian state television, to take part in the program “Good Morning Egypt,” to comment on the protests in Tahrir Square, and to comment on Iranian statements on the Nile News Channel. Iranian Foreign Minister ‘Alī Akbar Salhi had said that the “revolution” in Egypt ...
  Editor Cornelis Hulsman: Wicher Boissevain is a good friend of ours. He and his family are among the few foreign families who decided to remain in Egypt despite the unrest. Wicher sent us these photos with the short text below.   The end of the revolution came suddenly. I made some photos of...
Cornelis Hulsman, editor in chief of the Arab West report and a correspondent for Christianity Today, is currently in Egypt guiding a Dutch tour group. He reports by mobile phone that many churches located outside the major cities of Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez were able to hold services today,...
AWR's intern Toon Bijnens analyzes the media coverage on the church of Two Martyrs St. Mina and St. George incident.   The church is located in Sūl village of 'Ātfīh (Governorate of Helwan). Angry Muslim young-men set the church on fire after seeing a muslim girl with a christian young-man called '...
Demonstrators at Tahrir Square were not satisfied with President Ḥusnī Mubārak’s dismissal of the government of Dr. Aḥmad Naẓīf , in fact the demonstrations intensified, and tension beset Egyptian society, particularly after many convicts escaped from prisons in various governorates, and much...
Editor: Muslims prayed at Tahrir Square. This was followed today by a Christian prayer at Tahrir Square. This prompted our board member Dr. Amin Makram Ebeid to visit Tahrir Square for the first time the demonstrations started. The following is his report.   My wife Jailane and I accompanied my son...


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