Update: The Imam and the Pastor: A Peacebuilding Workshop

Sent On: 
جمعة, 2011-06-10
Newsletter Number: 

Update: The Imam and the Pastor:

A Peacebuilding Workshop



June 12, 2011


CAIRO, Egypt (AWR) — This week AWR will be hosting a pair of free workshops aimed at promoting peace and reconciliation between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. The workshops will feature Imam Muhamad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye, the topic of a 2008 documentary entitled, "The Imam and the Pastor."


The workshop with Imam Ashafa and Pastor Wuye in Alexandria on June 13-14 is now completely booked. However, you may still reserve your spot to attend the two-day workshop in Cairo on June 15-16. 


The Cairo workshop will begin on June 15 at 10:00 am at the Goethe Institute on 5 al-Bustan Street in downtown Cairo. A complete schedule is listed below. To RSVP, please contact Diana Ghali at ([email protected]/awr1). Please note that this is a 2-day workshop. If you RSVP, be sure to commit to coming both days! 


Imam Ashafa and Pastor Wuye have extensive experience in peace building between Muslims and Christians and have led similar workshops in many countries. Participants will acquire basic conflict analysis skills and will be able to establish an early response system to help combat sectarian conflicts.


If you can't attend the workshops, but still want to participate, then feel free to stop by the reception on Thursday, June 16 from 5:30-6:30pm at the Goethe Institute. Members of the media are also weclome to attend a press conference addressing Muslim-Christian tensions on Thursday at 7:00pm. The location of the press conference is yet to be determined.


We look forward to seeing you this week!





Cornelis Hulsman

General Director CIDT


Hani Labib

Managing Director CIDT








· To impact the skills of target beneficiaries on conflict analysis and conflict mapping.

· To learn the value of early warning and early response systems when dealing with conflict.

· To set up early warning and early response structures.





Expected outcome


1.       Participant acquires basic skills in conflict analysis and mitigation.

2.       Effective early warning and early respond (EWER) system will be established at grass-roots level,



Target beneficiaries


· Religious leaders

· NGOs, CSO, and community-based peace activists

· Women's groups and youth leaders

· Local security agencies/ personnel

· Opinion leaders at grass roots level





Expected impact


A reduction in community hostility and violence by effective community networking on early warning and early response systems of conflicts.


Workshop Schedule:


Day 1 - (Wednesday, June 15, 2011)

1.       Opening prayers (10:00 am)

2.        Introduction/ice breaking exercise

3.       Ground rules/expectation

4.       Understanding conflict

5.       Typology of conflict

6.       Conflict mapping and analysis

7.       Introduction to early warning system

8.       Early warning indicators

9.       Closing remarks/prayers (4:00 pm)


Day 2 - (Thursday, June 16, 2011)

1.       Opening prayers (10:00 am)

2.       Review of day one

3.       Early warning system continues…

4.       Processing early warning indicators

5.       Classification of stakeholders (connectors and disconnections

6.       Set up early respond  hubs and typology of response-mechanism

7.       Strategic Action Plan

8.       Closing remarks/prayers (4:00 pm)



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