Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
None of those calling for renewal and modernization would have ever dreamed of a day when Friday prayer would be suspended as has happened in a number of Arab and Islamic countries.  It had been announced from Kuwait to Syria that all group prayer would be suspended and that mosques would only do...
The officials of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) might have fears that the announcement of census of Muslims and Christians could inflame the sectarian dossier but it also could function as a start for balanced relations in the society.
Sectarian clashes have always been the same, before and after January 25, and the reactions are the same and the officials’ remarks, expressions and even wording are still the same. 
An article appeared in Tahrīr stating that the late Sayyid Qutb, main ideologue of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a freemason.
When a state of polarization reached a zenith, everyone thought that the election of a president would end this and mark a new beginning for a breakthrough but unfortunately polarization has mounted when the president issued decree no. 11 of 2012 that reinstated the dissolved People’s Assembly. [...
Copts have been the party to blame for the ascendance of Shafīq, one of the so-called fulūl (the Arabic word for remnants of the former regime) to the runoff. When church leaders denied these claims it has been said that meetings were held between the fulūl and senior Coptic figures for...
In another opinion piece in al-Misrī al-Yawm, Hilmī al-Namnam says Mubārak’s Egypt used to wash its hands of many responsibilities towards the citizens and in this sense one can understand how the state abandoned Coptic citizens for the church and Pope Shenouda. This position was the source of some...
Al-Shaykh Hassan Al-Bannā was eager to make himself and the Muslim Brotherhood appear as if they were living on good terms with religious minorities in Egypt. The group tries to confirm that by recalling the attendance of Makram ‘Ubayd at the funeral of Hassan al-Bannā in 1949 to demonstrate the...
Hilmī al-Namnam writes that there are enemies of the January 25 revolution inside and outside Egypt, who have an interest in scuppering the revolution, that is why they use the fitnah, the recent of which was in Imbābah. He added that there is a salafī incitement for quiet some time, when they...
This article deals with S. R. Leeder’s, ’Modern Sons of the Pharaohs’ which was recently translated by Ahmad Mahmūd. The book studies Copts’ conditions in Egypt before the 1919 Revolution and cites some incidents showing that the Muslim-Coptic relationship was cordial long before the revolution and...


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