Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
The Socialist Popular Alliance Party announced its rejection of a policy of imposing a status quo by force, warning that this could lead to civil war.
Political parties and movements denounced the “deplorable” unrest between Muslims and Christians in Dahshūr and called for forming a fact-finding commission and working on brining the displaced Coptic families back to their homes in the impoverished area. Dr. Muhammad al-Barād’ī, a representative...
While the Muslim Brotherhood welcomed the decision and described it as a “victory for the values of the constitution and law,” civil political powers and parties categorically rejected it as an “unprecedented violation of the nation’s top court – the Supreme Constitutional Court”. Rif’at al-Sa’īd,...
The Arab Socialist Alliance Party warned of sectarian instigation by Islamists for political gains in the presidential elections in their conflict with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) over power. The party called on Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate Muhammad Mursī to send...
The artistic items police closed down the office of the Iranian channel al-‘Alam, arrested its director and seized all equipment for the station’s failure to obtain a license before working in Egypt. [‘Imād al-Dīn Sābir, al-Ahrām, May 15, p. 6] Read original text in Arabic
The signing of the documents indicates the renewed commitment to renounce violence and to protect the rights of citizens from the use of excessive violence by security institutions. The document confirms that it is the duty of the state and its security institutions to protect the security of...
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