Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
This article outlines the history and current social importance of monasticism in Egyptian society.    
The author calls to reform the Coptic Orthodox Church not from the doctorial aspect but from its influence on people’s life. He suggests having a new leadership formed from priests instead of the current monastic one that has driven Copts away from important issues concerning their country.
The author of the article argues that the church’s leaders should not be conflated with the church itself, and that the problems within the church should be addressed without accusations of heresy.
The author discusses the failure of a group called Egyptians against Religious Discrimination, which advocates equality between Muslims and Christians in Egypt, due to the members’ inability to overcome their religious sentiments.
The Orthodox Church refuses liberalism although it is the only way for Christians to be saved from religious fanaticism. The Orthodox churches sermons fail to call for tolerance, making Christians even more isolated.
The author slams Arab officials’ position regarding the region’s critical issues, asserting that those who are responsible for working for the good of Arabs are working for themselves only.
Kamāl Ghubryāl writes about a conference held in Cairo on the establishment of secularism in Egypt. He believes that the conference failed because they tried to match the solid concept of secularism with the new changes in society.
In his book, Aqbāt al-Qarn al-‘Ishrīn...Sāsa wa Ruhbān Khalf al-Qudbān [20th century Copts...politicians and monks behind bars], Mīlād Hannā believes the July Revolution to be responsible for the isolation of both Copts and Muslims. Being unable to express their views freely, Muslims and Christians...
In a Palestinian gala, two parents have put a belt of explosives around the body of their four-year-old daughter. The author wonders why human life has become so worthless amongst the Arabs.
Modernizing the discourse of the Orthodox Coptic Church is as important as developing and modernizing the Islamic discourse. The ancient Coptic internal system must be reformed. It is in such discourse and ancient systems that the problems of Egypt are embodied. Hypocrisy and double standards must...


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