Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
  The trial of the former President Husnī Mubārak, Habīb al-‘Ādlī, former minister of the interior, and 6 of his aides took place today with Field Marshal Hussein Tantāwī, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, giving his testimony.  
The court ruled on ousted President Husnī Mubārak to postpone his trial to August 15, 2011, and admit him to the International Medical Center in Cairo. Mubārak held a Mushaf in his hand during the trial, and his two sons (defendants at the same trial and with him in the court's dock) occasionally...
  Major General Mansūr al-'Īsawī, Minister of the Interior, hasreceived a letter from state prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd, requesting former PresidentHusnīMubārak to appear in court tomorrow.
Twelve court circles will be dedicated for trying former regime members on charges of involvement in financial corruption and killing of demonstrators, the head of the Cairo Appeals Court, 'Abd al-'Azīz 'Umar, announced.
The Cairo Criminal Court sentenced Gamāl Husayn to five years in jail for attempting to bomb the Jewish synagogue of Shaar Hashamayim, or Gate of Heaven, in downtown Cairo, to five years in prison. The case dates back to February 2009 when Husayn tried to throw a home-made explosive device on the...
The Supreme State Security Prosecution sentenced Nabil Ahmed Suleiman, member of the Jihad Organization, to five years imprisonment with hard labor in the case of assassinating president Sadat in 1981.
The Higher Court of National Security continued hearing the case against the Ibn Khaldoun Center. Videotapes that were confiscated from the center were shown in court and the defense was allowed to write comments on them.
The South Cairo Court will give its verdict in the lawsuit brought by 100 Copts against the Sunday Telegraph and Christina Lamb, a reporter for the same paper.


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