Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Qummus (Archpriest) ʿAbd al-Masīḥ Basīṭ of the Virgin Mary Church in Musṭurud said that Lord Jesus Christ did not made alcohol, but turned water into a wine that was not intoxicating.
Pope Tawāḍrūs of the Coptic Orthodox Church resumed a series of short mass prayers that handled part of Chapter 30 of the Book of Deuteronomy and Chapters 11-20 from the Book of Numbers, referring to the short prayers the church performs after the Gregorian Mass, which are called “Asceticism for...
The Coptic Catholic Church took part in the 10th annual canon law conference of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in the Jordanian resort area of the Dead Sea.
The Papal Office for Projects organized a celebration to honor Egyptian women and recognize the integral role that they play in society. The event was organized in partnership with the National Council for Women and was inaugurated by Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The celebrations...
Dayr al- Sulṭān, which is located within the old city of Jerusalem, has sparked controversy recently after the continuous attempts of Ethiopian monks to control it, despite the right of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
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