Displaying 21 - 23 of 23.
The Salafiyin [Editor: A name for very conservative Muslims. It is however not an organization or a group as the article may suggest] adopts a certain way in trading, a way that is supposed to be Islamic, but in fact, is not. They spread in the crowded slum areas where people are, culturally, very...
Subtitles: ° Europe expels peaceful immigrants and here we allow them to exhaust our utilities and attack us. ° An incident in the Ahmed Said Street, Abbassia, a quarter of Cairo, tolls the warning bells for the refugee and immigrant problem in Egypt. ° They harass our women and smoke bango [a kind...
Students of the Fine Arts Faculty in Zamalek discovered a new claimer to prophethood. The surprise is that he is a Black American, who spread his call - that consisted of four messages - in several foreign countries, then came to Egypt among a tourist group to spread his claims, and enjoy [his time...


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