Subtitles: ° Europe expels peaceful immigrants and here we allow them to exhaust our utilities and attack us. ° An incident in the Ahmed Said Street, Abbassia, a quarter of Cairo, tolls the warning bells for the refugee and immigrant problem in Egypt. ° They harass our women and smoke bango [a kind of drug] and get drunk on the streets and compete with us in the work place. ° Ten people, men and women, live together in one room. ° The Foreign Ministry is studying the situation and the priest in charge of them agrees that they have exceeded the boundaries of hospitality. This article covers a five page story, that was published in Rose Al-Youssef. It recounts the details of the bus accident that took place on Tuesday in Ahmed Said Street, in the center of Cairo, and in which a Christian Sudanese was killed. In the light of the accident, the authors discussed the case of immigrants and refugees in Egypt.