Displaying 1 - 10 of 1420.
Introduction: Inclusive citizenship seeks to go beyond the intellectual debates of recent years on democratization and participation to explore a related set of issues around changing conceptions of citizenship. Peoples’ understandings of what it means to be a citizen go to the heart of various...
In a TV message read out by Aḥmad al-Tawfīq, the Minister of Ḥabūs and Islamic Affairs, King Muḥammad VI calls on Moroccans not to perform the ritual sacrifice of ʿEīd al-Aḍḥa.
Residents of the Christian Quarter in Jerusalem have issued a statement condemning the heinous crime committed by one of its residents, the theft of money and gold from the Latin Patriarchate.
Many Moroccans warmly welcomed the announcement by the Minister of Religious Endowments, Aḥmad al-Tawfīq, about the cancellation of this year’s ‘Eid al-Aḍḥā sacrifice, especially given that it will spare a large part of the population from the soaring livestock prices that had skyrocketed last year...
A member of Egypt’s Senate’s Cultural Committee stated that scientific research can help address societal challenges such atheism, extremism and homosexuality, in addition to contributing to sectors like agriculture and industry.
According to a representative for the Health & Population Ministry, discussions have taken place surrounding the eradication of female circumcision as a practice in Egypt, with international organizations coming together in a bid to raise awareness on this issue and prevent violence against...
In his weekly sermon, Pope Tawāḍrūs expressed his deep concern over the suffering caused by armed conflicts, emphasizing the need to end the war in the region of Lebanon and Palestine, while upholding the ideals of wisdom, humanism, and mercy.
In the context of Islam, jihād refers to the fight of Muslims to abstain from sin, which is the highest kind of jihād, as well as the defense of their beliefs and homeland.
A proposal to amend Article 20 of the Moroccan Personal Status Law Code, specifically concerning the marriage of minors under the age of 18, has caused division among the ruling majority and opposition groups within the country’s House of Representatives. Demands were made by the progressive...
The Ṣūfī Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʿArabī lived during the 12th century. Most of his books were lost during his trips from the city of Murcia in Spain (Andalusia) to the Levant, namely Damascus, where he died and was buried.


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