Displaying 81 - 90 of 1413.
Idrāk [Edraak] Foundation for Development and Equality released a report about violent crimes against women in Egypt, which indicated an increase in violence against women in 2020 as a result of the Coronavirus.
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has unanimously adopted the drafted resolution by Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to promote a culture of peace and tolerance with regards to the protection of religious sites.
Ṣafwat al-Sharīf, former Minister of Information under late president Ḥusnī Mubārak, died at the age of 88. His death came following a struggle with leukemia, and several days after becoming infected with the Coronavirus.
Amidst the Arab world’s intense media coverage of the storming of the US Capitol Building, some are seeing a campaign in celebration of the United States’ pain and misfortune, trying to prove something.  What’s the goal behind this? 
Sudan has confirmed its commitment to continue negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) under the supervision of the African Union, demanding a greater role to experts to facilitate the negotiations and narrow the gap between the disputed parties.
Author and screenwriter Waḥīd Ḥāmid passed away at the age of 77 on January 2. He is considered one of the most important and prominent people in Egyptian Cinema with regards to countering terrorism and the extremism of political Islam.
“Egyptian Family values”; this term that has been repeated for months in Egypt when directing accusations against young women wearing “liberal clothes” for violating the “conservative values of the Egyptian family.”  This astounding accusation and the outrage of the Egyptian society have suddenly...
In an unexpected move, the defense team for the suspects accused of harassing and assaulting “Bassant,” otherwise known as the “Mīt Ghamr girl,” has asked for “compromising” videos of her from her neighbors and other people in the city on the condition that they do not include any inappropriate or...
Israelis believe that the Egypt’s reaction to the implementation of the plan to annex areas in the West Bank and impose Israeli sovereignty over them would be “restrained,” based on past events targeting Palestinians like the Intifadas, wars in the Gaza Strip, and the Trump administration’s...
Al-Azhar’s Observatory for Combating Extremism stated that extremist organizations are not hesitating to take advantage of global events and use them to serve their nefarious interests by broadcasting their propaganda on social media.  This is not new for Dāʿish [Islamic State]; it is always...


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