Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
MP Zaynab Sālim said in a press statement today that the parents have the right to care for and live with their children after separation.
There are currently intensive moves made by the Parliament and various state institutions towards the finalization of a personal status law draft in order to control the family disintegration and maintain the stability in society.  MP Muhammad Fūad said that the existing Personal Status Law no...
ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm ʿAbd al-Nāṣir said that the deceased leader achieved freedom and social justice and ensured education and health for all citizens without distinction. The revolution he led is "purely humanitarian" as he expressed.
  The Arab world counts dozens of Muslims and Christians who converted to Judaism; a topic that is very controversial, as converting to Judaism is considered allying with the Israeli enemy. The majority of converts come from Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Kuwait and Morocco. Their reasons to convert to...
The Salafist Call [al-Daʿwā al-Salafiyya] and al-Nūr Party have intensified efforts to urge the supporters of the Salafist movement abroad, especially in the Gulf region, to participate in the presidential election vote.
The Justice and Rights Development Organization warned against staying silent about the crimes copying the criminal, terrorist Dāʿish organization inside Egypt; some sectarian crimes; and the larger influence of the terrorist organization on criminals, including criminals registered as...
In al-Fath newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Salafī al-Nūr Party, published a cartoon depicting two mathematical equations. The first one draws a flag of Egypt minus a copy of the Qur'ān equals a flag of Israel while the first one draws a flag of Egypt plus a copy of the Qur'ān equals dignity. [...
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