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Christine Philip, sister of engineer Mīnā Philip, who was tortured by members of the Muslim Brotherhood during clashes outside the Presidential Palace on Wednesday, said that she had had difficulty reaching her brother as she lives inside Cairo. After searching for him in hospitals, they found that...
The reconciliation initiative exists, but where are those who reconcile? There is a tribal conflict going on between the Dābūd and the al-Hilāl.  25 Egyptians have been killed and families fled their houses. "Reunion" is an initiative launched by 40 inhabitants of Aswān to discuss the crisis of the...
Three years after Mina Daniel’s death, amartyr of the events at Maspero, his family continues to commemorate his birthday on July 22. 
School: "Harvest of love planted by his small heart"
Sāmir Nasīm, a young Coptic man in his thirties who owns a computer maintenance shop in Bāb al- Lūk in Cairo, has resorted to hanging a piece of paper saying “It is prohibited to discuss politics” in the shop.
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