Displaying 1 - 10 of 44.
A Copt attempted to attack Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II during his weekly sermon on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at Saint Mark Cathedral in al-‘Abbāsīyyah. The attacker, ‘Adil Līyūn Wahīb, attempted to reach the place the Pope is staying. People panicked, but the security guards succeeded in...
The daughter-in-law of Ahmad ‘Abd Allāh, better known as Abū Islām, speaking to al-Ahālī newspaper, the mouthpiece of the leftist al-Tajammu’ (Grouping) Party, said the shaykh has left her and his grandson homeless, adding he kidnapped her son outside a police station and refused to grant her...
Bishop Yūhannā Qultah, the deputy patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church, denied he received any invitations to attend the constituent assembly meeting on Monday (June 18) while the two other Orthodox and Evangelical churches confirmed they received those invitations for the meeting held at the...
Meanwhile, the Coptic Orthodox Church set criteria for electing or excluding candidates for the post of the 118th pope to succeed Pope Shenouda III, who passed away on March 17, adding the initial list of candidates will be announced soon. Bishop Bisāntī of Helwan and al-Ma’sarah and member of the...
After a five-day siege of the St. George Church in kom Ombo, Aswan, life has returned to normal. The siege began after people accused the church of kidnapping a Muslim teacher and ended when security forces found her in Sharm el-Sheikh. The violent clashes ended when it became clear that there were...
Pope Tawadros received on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 a delegation of al-Azhar who went to extend Christmas greetings. The Azhar delegation was led by Grand Imām, Ahmad al-Tayyīb and included Egypt's Muftī, ‘Alī Jum’ah; the Azhar Secretary, ꞌAbd al-Tawwāb Qutb; member of the Islamic Research Academy...
Under the title, “Pope Tawadros expects President Mursī’s visit to the Cathedral”, al-Sabāh reports that security measures inside the Church during Christmas mass will be carried out by scout youth, whereas the outside of the Cathedral will be surrounded by security forces of the Ministry of...
“Copts 38” group sent a second letter to Pope Tawadros asking him to reconsider the personal affairs statute for Christians and solve the problems related to them, especially the issue of divorce. That came after the meeting of some of their members with the Pope (Rānyā Nabīl, al-Sabāh, Jan. 6, p....
Additionally, the Church invited President Muhammad Mursī, Prime Minister Hishām Qandīl, and head of the Shūrá Council, Ahmad Fahmī to the mass (Rānyā Nabīl, al-Sabāh, Jan. 6, p. 9). Read original text in Arabic 
Meanwhile, the Maspero Youth Union (MYU) is holding a ceremony to commemorate the late Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III at the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah on the occasion of the anniversary of the 40th day of his departure. [Rānyā Nabīl, al-Ahālī, April 18, p. 1] ...


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