Displaying 231 - 240 of 359.
Dr. Shawqī ‘Allām the Grand Muftī stated that opinion of the Ansār Bayt al-Maqdis group that it is performing jihad in the name of God is wrong and stated that he who carries arms and sheds blood and takes part in violence stands against the community’s consensus. He added that the fatwás calling...
General al-Sīsī’s request for a popular delegation for him to nominate himself for presidency was well received among Coptic circles. Bishop Mūsá stated that he is a patriotic figure and that he is trustworthy while Kamāl Zākhir the Coptic thinker stated that selecting him is the popular will (‘Abd...
The Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II has called upon Egyptians to give a ‘Yes’ vote in the Constitutional Referendum. He added in a video that was broadcasted in CTV, that there is an Arab proverb that “‘Yes’ increases the blessings” (Majdī Fikrī and Alī Ragab, al-Dustūr, Jan. 12. p. 3). Read...
Dr. Yāssir Burhāmī, the vice president of the Salafī Call in a visit to members of the Nūr Party and the Salafī Call in Aswan, called upon them to take along their relatives and give a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum. He added that the draft constitution protects Islamic identity and refers to Islamic...
We have often written about the dangers of Law 103/1961 pertaining to Al-Azhar reform and the negative consequences that followed its transformation from a mosque (jāmi’) to a university (jāmi’ah). Today our fears were realized due to the continual protests led by students in Azhar faculties (...
  Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II stated that the Coptic Orthodox Church has a history of more than 2,000 years and that it is a purely Egyptian institution. He added that the Church remained purely Egyptian throughout these years (Majdī Fikrī, al-Dustūr, Nov. 20, p. 3). Read original text in...
  Calm returned to Dikhaylah district located west of Alexandria after clashes that lasted hours between a Coptic and a Muslim family due to a harassment of a girl. A Muslim man has verbally harassed a Coptic girl, which led her family to fight with him.  The fight extended and became very violent...
Amnesty International stated that the Egyptian security forces have failed to protect Copts in the aftermath of the dispersal of the sit-ins of Raba’ah and Nahdah on August 14. It stated that the attacks on 200 shops and houses of Copts as well as the attacks on 43 churches were unprecedented (...


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