Displaying 321 - 330 of 359.
The Public Prosecutor, Hishām Barakāt, has banned publication on the shooting on al-Warrāq Church that took place on October 20 (Amānī Mūsá, Copts United, Nov. 23).  Read original text in Arabic.
In an interview with Bishop Rafael, Secretary of the Holy Synod, he said that Egypt in the war against terrorism, and that this war is more difficult than regular wars between states. He continued, “It is not wise for the Copts to go out in demonstrations to raise their demands in these exceptional...
Anonymous sources have reported that a conflict developed in the Constituent Assembly due to a disagreement over the insertion of the term “civil state” in the Preamble of the Constitution. This follows the Nūr Party demand to insert the content of deleted Article 219 in the Preamble. ‘Amr Mūsá the...
Pope Tawadros mourned the martyrs of Egypt from the police and armed forces as well as the victims of the train of Dahshūr. The Pope has stated, “We pray to God to end these painful events that are targeting the youth of Egypt in general” (Amānī Mūsá, Copts United, Nov. 21). Read original text in...
Constituent Assembly   Najīb Jibrā'īl, the head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization (EUHRO), headed a delegation from the organization to the Constituent Assembly together with Coptic activists. He submitted an action plan demanding a Coptic quota and women’s quota in the...
Bishop Antonius Azīz stated in an interview that the Brotherhood attacked Christians to force them into a confrontation with the army and the police. The Bishop of Giza, Faiyum, and Beni Suef stated that a decent Constitution does not differentiate between one person and another, as long as both...
The Ministry of Endowments confirmed that it prohibits the organization of any activities in commemoration of ‘Ashūrā’  and that it does not accept drifting away from moderate Islam, such as in the events of the Shī’ites (Abd al-Rahmān Abdal-Halīm et al, al-Akbār, Nov. 14, p. 4) . Read original...
Church sources have assured that the Heavenly Cathedral in Sharm el-Sheikh has been attacked. Bishop Jeremiah confirmed that the cathedral was attacked by gunfire on Sunday, but no casualties resulted. A security source, however, has denied that the church has been attacked assuring that the...
Dr.  Sharīf Doss, head of the Coptic Pubic Agency, stated that the Church has held a meeting with a number of businessmen, legal experts, and Coptic public figures in the Coptic Cathedral in Abbāsīyyah that was attended by Pope Tawadros II. This was to discuss the position of the Church on the...
Security forces have prevented Shī’ites from practicing their religious rituals in al-Hussayn Mosque on ‘Ashūrā’ day. Security forces closed all of its doors based on orders from the Ministry of Endowments. Lieutenant ‘Atif Galāl, who was responsible for securing the mosque stated that the security...


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