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The International Society for Human Rights in Germany has published a strongly-worded statement in which it accuses the Muslim Brotherhood of burning churches and harassing nuns. The statement defined the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. The report on the Brotherhood said, “What the...
Egyptian diplomats in Cairo, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue, said Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd did very well when he turned down an offer to be Egypt’s ambassador to the Vatican, which itself could have objected, adding this could have been a...
Tomorrow (May 15), Egyptians in 124 countries shall give their vote in the presidential elections. It shall continue for four days everyday from 9am- 9pm.
An official source has confirmed that some of the Copts imprisoned for proselytizing in Libya will be freed within hours. Three of the prisoners will be released with a fourth being held until the investigation into his case is finished (Zīyyād Hasan and Sanīyah Mahmūd, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Mar. 27...
Coptic Orthodox Church in France rejected all acts offensive to Muslims and condemned the film, "Innocence of Muslims" as disgracing the Prophet Muhammad. Father Jirjis Lūqā of the Coptic Orthodox Church in France, that all priests and people are denouncing any dishonor to the Prophet or Muslims....
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