Displaying 21 - 30 of 47.
Islamists have imposed themselves in the Egyptian society after the January 25 revolution and rolled up their sleeves to establish parties, nearly 20, including the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood group.
A ministerial committee agreed to consider two draft laws for the constituencies of the People's Assembly and Shūrá Council, which have been referred to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF).
 Dr. Muhammad Sa'd al-Katatnī, Secretary General of Freedom and Justice Party [affiliated to Muslim Brotherhood group (MB)], said that the Azhar's initiative is not really different from the Democratic Coalition for Egypt; both initiatives have the same ideologies. Read original text in Arabic
The Azhar's Grand Shaykh, Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb called all political powers for an urgent meeting in the Azhar's headquarter in order to reach an agreement on the Azhar's document, targeting to assure the Egyptian identity [Reviewer's Note: News story was also mentioned in al-Misrī al-Yawm Arabic,...
The reactions to Muslim Brotherhood member Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh's announcement that he intends to run for the presidency vary considerably. One reaction is that his announcement signifies that he has effectively severed his relationship with the Brotherhood. Another predicts that he will face...
The Muslim Broterhood has big hopes of becoming a major and legitimate political force, though there might be a cost. A delegation of the Muslim Brotherhood visited the Azhar's Grand Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayīb. He invited all Islamist movements to participate in the forthcoming conference the Azhar will...
Dr. 'Abd al-Mun'im Abū al-Futūh, member of the Muslim Brotherhood's (MB) Shūrá Council, said that he will not resign from the group, denying media reports with similar content. MB's members are not permitted to run for presidency under the MB's name, they have to run as independent, he also refused...
In the final amendments of the Muslim Brotherhood's political party Freedom and Justice, it was agreed that women and Copts may run for the presidency. Amendments are still going to be presented to the group's Shūrá Council next week. Read original text in Arabic  
“The Coptic Church prefers not to enter into politics just work in the social field. All meetings between the Muslim Brotherhood group and Copts are just random and disorganized" says Dr. Rafīq Ḥabīb, a Coptic thinker. On the other hand Ṣubḥī Ṣalīh, a leader in the MB, asserts that no Copt or a...
After the incident of burning shrines in several governorates, al-Tāhir al-Hāshmī, Deputy of the Higher Council of the Āl al-Bayt [Shiite organization in Egypt], commented on the Muslim Brotherhood's role in mediating between sūfīs and Shiites as well as between salafists.  


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