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Sūhāj University President, Ḥassān al-Nuʿmānī, and Grand Muftī of Egypt, Shawqī ʿAllām, inaugurated the 9th Scientific Conference for Young Researchers, attended by a host of local leaders, clergymen, al-Azhar scholars, and university students.
Al-Yawm al-Sābiʿ broadcasted a live video entitled “Religion is for God and Chanting is for Everyone” that shows a young Coptic boy chanting a poem praising Prophet Muḥammad called “Qamarun”. He said that the goal is to spread tolerance among all.
On Saturday, Pope Tawāḍrūs II was received by general Ṭāriq Al-Faqī Governor of Sūhāj, general Ḥasan Maḥmūd, Security Chief of Sūhāj, and a number of senior security officers and bishops of the diocese in Sūhāj. Pope Tawāḍrūs II’s pastoral visit will last until January 16 and will include visits to...
Muhammad ʿAbd al-ʿAtty al- Nūbī, President of the International Al-Azhar and Sufī Youth Union, invited Egyptian youth groups to stand as one against what he describes the spiral of despicable violence that spread through Egypt recently. Al-Nūbī stressed today, in his declaration, that what happened...
Islamic groups organized a human chain in front of St. George (Mar Girgis) church in Suhag to protect it from a pro-Morsi march (Mahmūd Maqbūl, al-Yawm al-Sābi’, Aug. 8). This article has no link online. 
Father Bākhūm, Bishop of Suhag, al-Munsh’aa and al-Maragha made statement that there is no truth in what was published and broadcast about the raising of an al-Qa’ida flag on Suhag’s Saint George’s Church. What happened, instead, was a peaceful march that passed in front of the church and in no way...
Suhag A quarrel between Muslims and Christians in Banāwīt village in Marāgha district, in Suhag governorate, had resulted in several injuries and arrests on both sides. Elders and leading families of the village and neighboring villages were successful in their reconciliation efforts that they...
In the subsequent investigations, overseen by two Brigadier Generals from the Criminal Investigation Department, Husayn Hāmid and ‘Ismat Abū Rahmah, and led by Brigadier ‘Abdulfattāh al-Shahāt, it was found that there had been a struggle and bullets were fired near the village of al-Siksākah...
Egyptian police were imposing tight security measures on Wednesday in the village of Shaykh al-Arab in Jirjā, Sohag, following a fight between a Muslim family and another Christian one. The persons engaged in the fight were a Muslim retired policeman and his son and three Christian brothers....
Sohag Criminal Court will rule on September 11 in the case of the Coptic teacher who uploaded offensive images of Prophet Muhammad on his Facebook account. The Court witnessed a large umber of Islamists who were calling to defend Prophet Muhammad who was offended. Meanwhile, tight security measures...
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