Displaying 41 - 50 of 156.
Pope Tawādrūs II congratulated President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī over the confidence of the people who re-elected him to continue to push forward development and prosperity in Egypt.  
Indonesian President Joko Widodo received the Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Elders, Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Salām, to discuss means of boosting cooperation and the roles of the Muslim nation’s scholars and elders in facing the challenges of today’s world.
Religious institutions in Egypt rejected “seasonal unofficial fatwās” prohibiting congratulating Christians for Christmas, adding that whoever promotes these opinions is considered to be a hardliner who has nothing to do with Islam. Al-Azhar said in a statement that people who deem congratulating...
Between inspiring and decisive humanitarian positions to stop disputes and to protect feelings and sanctities, al-Azhar has spent the year of 2023 leading campaigns on all religious and political levels, from protecting the Holy Qurʾān when it was burned in a number of European nations, to assuming...
The Sharīʿa & Law Faculty at al-Azhar University in the city of Ṭanṭā recently hosted a symposium focused on raising awareness among students regarding the importance of participating in the forthcoming presidential election.
The Monitoring Unit for African Languages of al-Azhar Observatory for Combatting Extremism continued its persistent follow-up on the activities of terrorist organizations in the African continent, which are led by ISIS (Dāʿesh) and al-Qāʿeda, as well as its off-shoots such as the organizations of...
Pope Tawāḍrūs II called on all Egyptians to participate in the presidential elections, stressing that voting is a constitutional right for everyone.  
As the situation is aggravating in Israel and the Palestinian territories following the attack by Ḥamās in October and the subsequent Israeli military response in Gaza, a Palestinian university professor has raised concerns about the potential for an Israeli army invasion.  
Veteran journalist and media personality, Ibrāhīm ʿĪsā, continued to criticize Ḥamās for the justifications of its crimes when the Islamist movement killed civilians, including children, women, and elderly people. This was precedent to the deaths of numerous innocent Palestinian civilians during...
Yesterday (November 14), Pope Tawadrus II met with the Bishop of the Netherlands, Bishop Arsānī, at the Papal residence in Cairo.


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