Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
There are no natural reasons for Upper Egypt to have fitnah tā'ifīyah for more than 30 years but indeed there are political, security, economic, social, salafī, sexual, and terrorist reasons. These reasons are keeping the file of fitnah in several governorates like Qena, Asyut and al-Minya. Look up...
The author says that the local press suffers from lack of credibility, capacity and influence.
The author reproaches the chief editors of religious journals for not being in touch with the real concerns of society. They therefore allow extremists to gain influence.
In his new book al-Islām wa al-Dawla al-Madanīya [Islam and the civil state], Dr. cAbd al-Muctī Bayyoumī totally opposes the notion of a religious state and regards it as a big contradiction with the spirit of Islam. Moreover, he assures that the state of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was absolutely a...
Six years ago, Dr. Ramsīs ‘Awad, the renowned professor of English literature at ‘Ayn Shams University, produced a unique 700-page encyclopedia. The encyclopedia lists the most important and famous works of literature and art that have been confiscated worldwide. He gave a copy of the encyclopedia...
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