Displaying 1 - 10 of 26.
The salafī preacher, Shaykh Muhmmad Hasān, admits that the presidency in Egypt cannot be given to any Coptic or Muslim woman. The presidency should be given to a Muslim; asserting that this is not his personal opinion but that all scholars agree on this. He asserts that Copts have the right to...
The US TV channel FOXNews said on its website that some Republicans and Democrats have filed a memo to the US State Department calling for an investigation into the claim that some Coptic women in Egypt are forced to marry Muslims.    
Al-Barādi‘ī meets with Expatriate Christians and members of the Jamā‘ah Al-Islāmīyah.
Amnesty International appears to be launching a campaign for human rights organizations against the newly drafted anti-terror law approved by the constitutional amendments in Egypt.
al-Maydān reports about Nawāl al-Sa‘dāwī’s new book.
Kifayah is experiencing internal conflict between its leaders and youths for change.
The author tackles statements made by Yihyā al-Jamāl, in which he asserted that there is no political party in Egypt except the Muslim Brotherhood.
President Mubārak is not alone in his opinion that Iraqi Shi’ites are more loyal to Iran than to Iran. Former Iraqi diplomats have the same opinion.
The author presents an overview of a reference book containing important statements of prominent leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood on political and social issues.
The author thinks that there is an undeclared alliance between the Brotherhood and communists, which have been opposed to one another since the establishment of the Brotherhood. The two groups have announced that it is an attempt to unite public demand for political and economic reform.


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