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Salafīs occupied Egyptian television and Tāmir Āmīn hosts Muhammad Hasān who considered Copts to be infidels and claimed  the professions of medicine, engineering and working in post offices and banks haram [religiously unlawful].
Khayrī Ramadān comments on religious persecution in Egypt.
The article reports on a car accident that journalist Hanān Khawāsik was involved in and mentions a new advert on Egyptian television that calls on Egyptians to treat foreigners well.
The author hails Pope Shenouda as a wise religious leader, highlighting his just stance toward the military service and other social and familial issues.
The author says that he has never hated Jews as he did after watching the TV series “Merriam Al-Maqdasia” that has been aired by Lebanese channel Al-Mannar. He wishes that the series may be aired by the Egyptian TV. He also criticizes Coptic journalist Mufid Fawzy for discussing Islamic issues.
Muslim dā‘ya [a person who calls for Islam] ‘Amr Khālid returned to Egypt for the second time in one month to make two episodes for his TV program Sunnā‘ al-Hayāh [Makers of Life] for the Arab Radio & Television (ART) station.
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