Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
  In an attempt to calm the escalating events of 'Ātfīh, the Ministry of Awqaf (endowments) decided to unify Friday sermons around the subject of national unity. Pope Shenouda returned to Egypt after a health treatment visit to the United States. He asked both [Christians and Muslims] religions...
Friday preachers from different Cairo mosques focused yesterday on the events of fitnah of 'Ātfīh which Egypt's been witnessing lately. The preachers stressed the duty to protect Christians and their worship places as directed by Islamic sharī'ah. In al-Rushdān mosque in Nasr City, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah...
*/ Tahrīr Square and Maspero area witnessed a picture of what national unity is, where thousands of demonstrators responded to “national unity Friday” denouncing what they claimed to be attempts by remnants of the NDP to create fitnah between Egyptians as last resorts to destrying the country...
*/ Egypt stood yesterday to face the dangers of fintah in “Jum'it al-wihdah al-watanīyah,” or, “the Friday of national unity,” when thousands of demonstrators in Cairo and other governorates are demanding unity and the rejection the fitnah of 'Ātfīh. In addition, they blame the remnants of the...
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