Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
 Minister of Housing and Governor of Aswan brings life back to Karkar Valley by building three villages.
‘Isām al-‘Iryān, Head of the Muslim Brotherhood Political office, writes that the January 25th revolution is publicized by Egyptian youth who belong to different groups, including Islamist, denying that Muslim Brotherhood (MB) are the ones who triggered it. He added that MB decided not to run for...
Islam is fully consistent with the bases of the democratic model established by Western countries.
Dr. ‘Isām al-‘Iryān writes about the great influence that Shaykh Qaraḍāwī has on Muslim youth throughout the Arab and Islamic worlds, and even in the West.
The author compares the Hizbuallah in Syria with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The comparison stems from the fact that the US asked Syria to stop supporting terrorism and to dissolve Hizbullah. In 1948, Britain, France and the US asked Egypt to dissolve the Muslim Brotherhood. He believes that...
Considering himself a member of a moderate Islamic group, that is the Brotherhood, the author responses to an article accusing moderate Islamists of not being concerned about extremist organizations increasing in number because of Al-Qa´ida network.
The article gives a brief overview of the history of Mustafa Mashhour, late general guide of the Brotherhood, with the group. The role he played in re-creating the Brotherhood is not less significant than the role of Hassan Al-Banna, its founder.
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